Using NetLogo 5.3.1, i'm trying to set up BehaviorSpace so that all its model runs start after exactly the same 500-tick warmup period. However, the results are not intuitive to me.
For illustrative purposes, I will use the 'Flocking.nlogo' model in the model library. Below is the model code, with 2 lines of code added to the end of the setup which saves the model's state after 500 ticks.
turtles-own [
flockmates ;; agentset of nearby turtles
nearest-neighbor ;; closest one of our flockmates
to setup
create-turtles population
[ set color yellow - 2 + random 7 ;; random shades look nice
set size 1.5 ;; easier to see
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set flockmates no-turtles ]
; Now execute a 500-tick warm-up period and save the model's state
repeat 500 [ go ]
export-world "Flocking-after-500ticks.csv"
to go
ask turtles [ flock ]
;; the following line is used to make the turtles
;; animate more smoothly.
repeat 5 [ ask turtles [ fd 0.2 ] display ]
;; for greater efficiency, at the expense of smooth
;; animation, substitute the following line instead:
;; ask turtles [ fd 1 ]
to flock ;; turtle procedure
if any? flockmates
[ find-nearest-neighbor
ifelse distance nearest-neighbor < minimum-separation
[ separate ]
[ align
cohere ] ]
to find-flockmates ;; turtle procedure
set flockmates other turtles in-radius vision
to find-nearest-neighbor ;; turtle procedure
set nearest-neighbor min-one-of flockmates [distance myself]
to separate ;; turtle procedure
turn-away ([heading] of nearest-neighbor) max-separate-turn
to align ;; turtle procedure
turn-towards average-flockmate-heading max-align-turn
to-report average-flockmate-heading ;; turtle procedure
;; We can't just average the heading variables here.
;; For example, the average of 1 and 359 should be 0,
;; not 180. So we have to use trigonometry.
let x-component sum [dx] of flockmates
let y-component sum [dy] of flockmates
ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
[ report heading ]
[ report atan x-component y-component ]
to cohere ;; turtle procedure
turn-towards average-heading-towards-flockmates max-cohere-turn
to-report average-heading-towards-flockmates ;; turtle procedure
;; "towards myself" gives us the heading from the other turtle
;; to me, but we want the heading from me to the other turtle,
;; so we add 180
let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
[ report heading ]
[ report atan x-component y-component ]
to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn] ;; turtle procedure
turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn
to turn-away [new-heading max-turn] ;; turtle procedure
turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn
;; turn right by "turn" degrees (or left if "turn" is negative),
;; but never turn more than "max-turn" degrees
to turn-at-most [turn max-turn] ;; turtle procedure
ifelse abs turn > max-turn
[ ifelse turn > 0
[ rt max-turn ]
[ lt max-turn ] ]
[ rt turn ]
; Copyright 1998 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
The BehaviorSpace window looks like this:
The added 2 lines of code, which saves the model's state after 500 ticks, come from the answer to question 6 in Chapter 9 in Railsback & Grimm 2012: Agent-based and individual-based modeling (1st edition). The answer continues by stating the next step: "Then, in BehaviorSpace, change the "Setup commands" to just import the saved world and run 1000 more ticks".
I did this, and then imported the file into R to summarise the data by calculating the mean and SD of number of flockmates at tick 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. Below the R code:
df <- read.csv("ibm_table_output-test.csv", skip = 6)
df1 <- df %>%
rename(run_number =,
time_step = X.step.,
mean_flockmates = mean..count.flockmates..of.turtles
) %>%
vision) %>%
time_step) %>%
filter(time_step == 100 |
time_step == 200 |
time_step == 300 |
time_step == 400 |
time_step == 500)
df1_long <- melt(df1, # Apply melt function
id.vars = c("run_number", "time_step","vision"))
# Calculate a summary table
df1.summ <- df1_long %>%
group_by(time_step, vision) %>%
summarise(avg = mean(value),
sd = sd(value))
The output is as follows:
# A tibble: 15 × 4
# Groups: time_step [5]
time_step vision avg sd
<int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 100 1 8.34 0
2 100 2 8.34 0
3 100 3 8.34 0
4 200 1 7.83 0
5 200 2 7.83 0
6 200 3 7.83 0
7 300 1 7.95 0
8 300 2 7.95 0
9 300 3 7.95 0
10 400 1 7.45 0
11 400 2 7.45 0
12 400 3 7.45 0
13 500 1 7.92 0
14 500 2 7.92 0
15 500 3 7.92 0
To me this output doesn't make sense.
My question is why is the average number of flockmates the same across different vision levels within the same time_step group? And why are the SDs all 0? In other words, why do the model runs produce identical outputs? I thought that initiating a burnin period would initiate identical starting positions for all simulations, but create different mean and SD values for each run because of different random numbers used? Or am I misunderstanding?
EDIT: The reason why the SDs are 0 is because there is no variation in mean values, but I don't understand why there is no variation. Below is the df1_long
data frame:
run_number time_step vision variable value
1 1 100 1 mean_flockmates 8.340000
2 1 200 1 mean_flockmates 7.833333
3 1 300 1 mean_flockmates 7.953333
4 1 400 1 mean_flockmates 7.446667
5 1 500 1 mean_flockmates 7.920000
6 2 100 1 mean_flockmates 8.340000
7 2 200 1 mean_flockmates 7.833333
8 2 300 1 mean_flockmates 7.953333
9 2 400 1 mean_flockmates 7.446667
10 2 500 1 mean_flockmates 7.920000
11 3 100 2 mean_flockmates 8.340000
12 3 200 2 mean_flockmates 7.833333
13 3 300 2 mean_flockmates 7.953333
14 3 400 2 mean_flockmates 7.446667
15 3 500 2 mean_flockmates 7.920000
16 4 100 2 mean_flockmates 8.340000
17 4 200 2 mean_flockmates 7.833333
18 4 300 2 mean_flockmates 7.953333
19 4 400 2 mean_flockmates 7.446667
20 4 500 2 mean_flockmates 7.920000
21 5 100 3 mean_flockmates 8.340000
22 5 200 3 mean_flockmates 7.833333
23 5 300 3 mean_flockmates 7.953333
24 5 400 3 mean_flockmates 7.446667
25 5 500 3 mean_flockmates 7.920000
26 6 100 3 mean_flockmates 8.340000
27 6 200 3 mean_flockmates 7.833333
28 6 300 3 mean_flockmates 7.953333
29 6 400 3 mean_flockmates 7.446667
30 6 500 3 mean_flockmates 7.920000
My understanding is that you're running setup
once, manually, and then running your BehaviorSpace experiment. The problem you will have with that is that the random number generator seed is including in the export-world
data that you generate once by running the setup
procedure. Then when you call import-world
in the Setup commands: of each experiment run you will get that RNG seed imported as well. The export actually includes the full state of the RNG, but thinking of it as being the same seed is close enough.
LeirsW is correct that Flocking (as most NetLogo models, and probably the original one you had the problem with) is totally deterministic. So the outcome will be the same with the same RNG seed each time.
The fix is easy, add a second line to your BehaviorSpace experiment Setup commands: after the import-world
that runs random-seed new-seed
. This will make sure each model run has a new, unique RNG seed to use for the rest of its run.