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Symfony Translatable Enum

My supplier entity has enum property notifyType. Any idea how translate the enum this way?

{{ supplier.notifyType|trans }}

Unfortunately, use __toString method in Enum is not possible.

// error - Enum may not include __toString
public function __toString(): string
    return 'supplier.notify.'.$this->name;

Then I just tried this:

use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatableInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;

enum NotifyType: int implements TranslatableInterface
    case EMAIL = 1;
    case WEBHOOK = 2;
    case PUNCH_OUT = 4;

    public function trans(TranslatorInterface $translator, string $locale = null): string
        return $translator->trans('supplier.notify.'.$this->name, locale: $locale);

But it's not possible pass translatable object to trans method. String only accepted.

$this->translator->trans(NotifyType::EMAIL); // error: must be of type string


  • TL;DR : NotifyType::EMAIL->trans($this->translator)

    Your Enum is correct and should works like that thanks to TranslatableInterface implementation.

    The only problem that I can find with that is the "auto discover" by translation:extract symfony's command will not correctly works, since your translations are dynamics.

    You should avoid using concatenated trans id and use match expression instead
    (assuming you are in PHP >= 8.1 because of the enum problem) :

    enum NotifyType: int implements TranslatableInterface
        case EMAIL = 1;
        case WEBHOOK = 2;
        case PUNCH_OUT = 4;
        public function trans(TranslatorInterface $translator, string $locale = null): string
            return match ($this) {
                self::EMAIL     => $translator->trans('', locale: $locale),
                self::WEBHOOK   => $translator->trans('supplier.notify.webhook', locale: $locale),
                self::PUNCH_OUT => $translator->trans('supplier.notify.punch_out', locale: $locale),

    PHP usage


    Twig usage

    {{ supplier.notifyType | trans }}

    But definitely not like that :

    • {{ supplier.notifyType.value | trans }} => wrong
    • {{ | trans }} => wrong

    Edit: Added $locale to trans() function calls, thx @jared-farrish