How to start executing a block of code after changing the value of MutableLiveData when using .observeAsState()?
Example: MutableLiveData changes and after need to call Toast.
This code returns error «Composable calls are not allowed inside the calculation parameter of inline fun remember(calculation: () -> TypeVariable(T)): TypeVariable(T)»
fun TextInfo() {
val isSuccess by remember { viewModel.isSuccess.observeAsState() }//var isSuccess = MutableLiveData<Boolean>() — in ViewModel
LaunchedEffect(isSuccess) {
Log.d("IS SUCCESS", "trues")
The block inside remember{…}
is not a composable scope, its a similar issue you'll have when your try to put a @Composable
function inside a lambda block or another function which is not a composable.
I also don't think you need remember{…}
here anymore, since its already handled by your ViewModel
val isSuccess by viewModel.isSuccess.observeAsState()
LaunchedEffect(isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
Log.d("IS SUCCESS", "trues")
I made some attempt on your code, changing it like this,
val isSuccess by viewModel.isSuccess.observeAsState()
Button(onClick = { viewModel.updateSuccess() }) {}
LaunchedEffect(isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
Log.e("IS_SUCCESS", "IS_SUCCESS? $isSuccess")
and in your ViewModel
fun updateSuccess() {
isSuccess.value = isSuccess.value?.not()
everytime the button is clicked, it prints
29568-29568 E/IS_SUCCESS: IS_SUCCESS? true
29568-29568 E/IS_SUCCESS: IS_SUCCESS? true