I spent hours trying to figure this out. I have four binary values that I want to combine into a single number. I got it working with two numbers but I need to get it working with four.
int Index = ((Bitplane0_ROW[p] & (1 << N)) >> N) | (((Bitplane1_ROW[p] & (1 << N)) >> N) << 1); // Works
I am stumped. Thanks in advance.
Edit.. Here is the complete program.
int main()
int Bitplane0_ROW[] = { 0b01100110 , 0b11111111, 0b01011010, 0b01111110, 0b00000000, 0b10000001, 0b11111111, 0b01111110 }; // Array to to store numbers Last Row is first.
int Bitplane1_ROW[] = { 0b01111110, 0b11111111, 0b11111111, 0b11011011, 0b11111111, 0b01111110, 0b00000000, 0b00000000 };
int Bitplane2_ROW[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000};
int Bitplane3_ROW[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000,0b00000000 };
int N = 7; //to store bit
int c = 0;
BYTE* buf = new BYTE[8 * 5];
unsigned char White[] = {255, 255, 255};
unsigned char Green[] = {53, 189,104 };
unsigned char Brown[] = {59,85,142 };
unsigned char Tan[] = {154,194,237 };
for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) // Row 6
int Index = ((Bitplane0_ROW[p] & (1 << N)) >> N) | (((Bitplane1_ROW[p] & (1 << N)) >> N) << 1); // Works
if(Index == 0)
// Index 0 (White)
// Index = 0;
buf[c + 0] = White[Index];
buf[c + 1] = White[Index+1];
buf[c + 2] = White[Index+2];
else if (Index == 1)
// Index 1 (Green)
//Index = 0;
buf[c + 0] = Green[Index];
buf[c + 1] = Green[Index+1];
buf[c + 2] = Green[Index+2];
else if (Index == 2)
// Index 2 (Brown)
//Index = 0;
buf[c + 0] = Brown[Index];
buf[c + 1] = Brown[Index+1];
buf[c + 2] = Brown[Index+2];
else if (Index == 3)
// Index 3 (Tan)
Index = 0;
buf[c + 0] = Tan[Index];
buf[c + 1] = Tan[Index+1];
buf[c + 2] = Tan[Index+2];
else if (Index == 15)
// Index 1 (Green)
Index = 0;
buf[c + 0] = Green[Index];
buf[c + 1] = Green[Index+1];
buf[c + 2] = Green[Index+2];
c += 3;
N = 7;
SaveBitmapToFile((BYTE*)buf, 8, 8, 24, 0, "C:\\Users\\Chris\\Desktop\\Link_Sprite.bmp");
delete[] buf;
return 0;
You can shift the bits manually or just use std::bitset
#include <bitset>
// ...
std::bitset<4> bs;
bs.set(0, (Bitplane0_ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(1, (Bitplane1_ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(2, (Bitplane2_ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
bs.set(3, (Bitplane3_ROW[p] >> N) & 1);
unsigned long index = bs.to_ulong();