Alrighty, a realtime example of what I'm trying to do. I am using Scala Sttp as my Http Client. I have bunch of requests, so I wanted to make it more abstract. I wanted to generalise all get
requests under abstract function that would look something like:
def getRequest(
uri: String,
queryString: String,
responseClass: **ANYCLASS**, --> I am unsure how to do this
trackingId: String,
component: String = "http-v2-client-get-request",
numberOfRetries: Int = 0
): Either[HttpErrorInfo, **ANYCLASS**] = {
val request = basicRequest
So my question is how to replace responseClass
signature so I can provide any case class
so it gets mapped correctly.
Sorry if my question is somewhat bad, I am new to Scala and still learning how to dynamically do things
def getRequest[T: Decoder](
uri: String,
queryString: String,
trackingId: String,
component: String = "http-v2-client-get-request",
numberOfRetries: Int = 0
): Either[HttpErrorInfo, T] = {
val request = basicRequest
Please notice the context bound : Decoder