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php+mysqli while(false !== ($data = $mysqli_res->fetch_assoc)) creates infinite loop

I wrote an overview for new comments in an admin panel. My code

if($res = $db->query("select * from comments where unlocked=0"));
    $o = 0; //abortcondition temp
    echo '<div class="newcomments"><a>neuste kommentare: </a><br />';
    //here is the infinite loop
    while(false !== ($data = $res->fetch_assoc()) && ++$o < 10)
        if($articles = $db->query("select title from coreless_articles where ID=".$data['article']))
            if(false !== ($article = $articles->fetch_assoc()))
                '<div id="comment'.$data['ID'].'">'.$data['from'].' in'.
                ' <a href="article/'.($article['uri']).'#comments">'.$article['title'].'</a>'.
                ' <a href="javascript:;">anzeigen</a>'.
                ' <a href="javascript:;">freischalten</a>'.
                ' <a href="javascript:;">l&ouml;schen</a>'.
                ' <div class="preview" >'.$data['text'].'</div>'.

creates an infinite loop, if I don't have the $o abort condition. But I want to show all new comments, not just ++$o < n. I use mysqli to access the database.

any ideas?


  • mysqli_result::fetch_assoc returns NULL when it's empty, not FALSE.

    Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row or NULL if there are no more rows.

    Just change your test to NULL !== (etc).

    (This is pretty confusing because the equivalent function mysql_fetch_assoc() does return FALSE.)