I wrote an overview for new comments in an admin panel. My code
if($res = $db->query("select * from comments where unlocked=0"));
$o = 0; //abortcondition temp
echo '<div class="newcomments"><a>neuste kommentare: </a><br />';
//here is the infinite loop
while(false !== ($data = $res->fetch_assoc()) && ++$o < 10)
if($articles = $db->query("select title from coreless_articles where ID=".$data['article']))
if(false !== ($article = $articles->fetch_assoc()))
'<div id="comment'.$data['ID'].'">'.$data['from'].' in'.
' <a href="article/'.($article['uri']).'#comments">'.$article['title'].'</a>'.
' <a href="javascript:;">anzeigen</a>'.
' <a href="javascript:;">freischalten</a>'.
' <a href="javascript:;">löschen</a>'.
' <div class="preview" >'.$data['text'].'</div>'.
creates an infinite loop, if I don't have the $o abort condition. But I want to show all new comments, not just ++$o < n. I use mysqli to access the database.
any ideas?
mysqli_result::fetch_assoc returns NULL when it's empty, not FALSE. http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch-assoc.php
Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row or NULL if there are no more rows.
Just change your test to NULL !== (etc)
(This is pretty confusing because the equivalent function mysql_fetch_assoc() does return FALSE.)