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Python function not executing in azure automation runbook

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I am working on writing a function in python azure automation runbook, where the basic gist of what I'm trying to accomplish is shown in the code below. But, I'm perplexed as when I take the code out of the function and run the code as is it all works as expected. But, when the function is used I see the output for Start & End but I don't see the function getting executed. I'm not clear the piece I miss for this to not work.


import sys
import requests
print ("Start")

def myFunction():
    # do something
    print("This is my function doing something")


print ("End")


  • Your code worked successfully and achieved the expected outcomes when I tried it in my environment, as shown below:

    First and foremost, you should add the requests(3.8) module/package to the Azure Automation runbook as you are using it in code.

    Add a package:


    Azure automation account -> Python packages -> Add a Python Package

    enter image description here

    Note: Versions of Python runbook and packages should be compatible with each other.

    I've created a Python runbook (3.8) and the function code was successfully executed.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import requests
    print ("Start")
    def myFunction():
    print("This is my function doing something")
    print ("End")

    enter image description here