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while read loop with input from process substitution not exiting on break in zsh

Using zsh, I was trying to break the while loop after file move event, but break happens only after the second one. This only occurs when I try to execute script


while read changed; do
  echo $changed
  if [ $changed = MOVE_SELF ]; then
    echo "File was moved."
done < <(inotifywait -m -e move_self --format "%e" $1)

echo "HI THERE"

in zsh. However, if I try the same code with #!/bin/bash it works as expected (loop breaks after the first event).


  • Behavior in zsh and bash is different. One of the possible solutions is to use & for command in process substitution. Diff:

    < done < <(inotifywait -m -e move_self --format "%e" $1)
    > done < <(inotifywait -m -e move_self --format "%e" $1 &)

    Looks like zsh is blocking waits for process substitution to execute again. Output of zsh -x after first execution of inotitywait without &:> read -r changed> inotifywait -m -e move_self --format %e file.lua
    Setting up watches.
    Watches established.> echo MOVE_SELF
    MOVE_SELF> [ MOVE_SELF '=' MOVE_SELF ']'> echo 'File was moved.'
    File was moved.> break