HI I had a shell script file ,I am trying to build the gradle command by passing arguments to the shell script file
Each time i generate the gradle command string, it's failing to execute.
If i manually hard code the values, it's Executing properly.
Script execution:
echo ${SPEC_DIR} printing variable output // specs
echo $TAG printing variable output// SANITY
echo $PARALLEL_RUN printing variable output// true
sh scripts/latest_smoketestvalidation_scripts/Test_scripts/execute_smoketest_New.sh $PARALLEL_RUN $TAG $SPEC_DIR
Ex :
echo $parallel_run
echo $tag
spec_Dir=`echo ${3} | sed 's/,/ /g'`
echo $spec_Dir
echo ./gradlew gauge -PinParallel=$parallel_run -Ptags=\"$tag\" -Penv=tenantSmokeTest -PspecsDir=${spec_Dir}
./gradlew clean
Working--> ./gradlew gauge -PinParallel=true -Ptags="SANITY" -Penv=tenantSmokeTest -PspecsDir=specs
Not Working --> # ./gradlew gauge -PinParallel=$parallel_run -Ptags=\"$tag\" -Penv=tenantSmokeTest -PspecsDir=${spec_Dir}
gets upset by the quotes it receives in your "non-working" example. Write it as
... -Ptags="$tag" ...
or, equivalently (but perhaps clearer),
... "-Ptags=$tag" ...