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Security of HTML5 target="_blank" attribute

I read something somewhere with the HTML5 target="_blank" attribute security. What's going on there is that this attribute might not be too secure. You rel="noopener" was saying add this attribute as well. Is there anyone to explain what's going on?

I tried but I didn't understand much. I would be glad if you help.


  • Consider reading Google's article on this topic: Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe. Here's an excerpt:

    In general, when you use target="_blank", always add rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer":

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
      Example Pet Store
    • rel="noopener" prevents the new page from being able to access the window.opener property and ensures it runs in a separate process.
    • rel="noreferrer" has the same effect but also prevents the Referer header from being sent to the new page. See Link type "noreferrer".