Is it possible to add an arbitrary label to a GA4 exploration?
For example I am tracking outbound link clicks for phone numbers. I would like to add a short description to each number.
I was thinking something like if Link URL equals 'tel: xx xxxx xxx' a label would say 'city office'. Any ideas on this?
Well... You have GTM tag added to your question. This implies that you're ok having a GTM solution.
Well, in GTM, find the tag that fires on the phone clicks, add a custom event property to the tag that would contain the description of the numbers, make a custom JS (CJS) or a look up table (LUT) or better a regex LUT, and map your numbers to descriptions.
Then go to GA and register that event property as a custom dimension. Done.
You could also override the link url dimension in GTM with a CJS var that would generate descriptions in the same dimension, but it's not a good idea to override default dimensions unless you're confident about what you're doing.
GA4 has capabs to modify event properties, but it's extremely basic and won't be able to change properties based on their values. Also, it's a bad idea to have data modification logic in GA. It's best to contain all data modification logic in one place whenever you can help it.