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I encountered the 10^9+7 problem but I can't understand the relation between the distributive properties of mod and my problem

Given 3 numbers a b c get a^b , b^a , c^x where x is abs diff between b and a cout each one but mod 10^9+7 in ascending order. well I searched web for how to use the distributive property but didn't understand it since I am beginner,

I use very simple for loops so understanding this problem is a bit hard for me so how can I relate these mod rules with powers too in loops? If anyone can help me I would be so happy. note time limit is 1 second which makes it harder

I tried to mod the result every time in the loop then times it by the original number. for example if 2^3 then 1st loop given variables cin>>a,a would be 2, num =a would be like this a = (a % 10^9 + 7) * num this works for very small inputs but large ones it exceed time

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
int main ()
    long long a,b,c,one,two,thr;
    long long x;
    long long mod = 1e9+7;
    one = a;
    two = b;
    thr = c;
    if (a>=b)
    x = a - b;
    x = b - a;

    for(int i = 0; i < b-1;i++)
        a = ((a % mod) * (one%mod))%mod;
    for(int j = 0; j < a-1;j++)
        b = ((b % mod) * (two%mod))%mod;
    for(int k = 0; k < x-1;k++)
        c = ((c % mod) * (thr%mod))%mod;


  • I use very simple for loops [...] this works for very small inputs, but large ones it exceeds time.

    There is an algorithm called "exponentiation by squaring" that has a logarithmic time complexity, rather then a linear one.

    It works breaking down the power exponent while increasing the base.

    Consider, e.g. x355. Instead of multiplying x 354 times, we can observe that

    x355 = x·x354 = x·(x2)177 = x·x2·(x2)176 = x·x2·(x4)88 = x·x2·(x8)44 = x·x2·(x16)22 = x·x2·(x32)11 = x·x2·x32·(x32)10 = x·x2·x32·(x64)5 = x·x2·x32·x64·(x64)4 = x·x2·x32·x64·(x128)2 = x1·x2·x32·x64·x256

    That took "only" 12 steps.

    To implement it, we only need to be able to perform modular multiplications safely, without overflowing. Given the value of the modulus, a type like std::int64_t is wide enough.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdint>
    #include <limits>
    #include <cassert>
    namespace modular
      auto exponentiation(std::int64_t base, std::int64_t exponent) -> std::int64_t;
    int main()
      std::int64_t a, b, c; 
      std::cin >> a >> b >> c;  
      auto const x{ b < a ? a - b : b - a };
      std::cout << modular::exponentiation(a, b) << '\n'
                << modular::exponentiation(b, a) << '\n'
                << modular::exponentiation(c, x) << '\n';
      return 0;
    namespace modular
      constexpr std::int64_t M{ 1'000'000'007 };
      // We need the mathematical modulo
      auto from(std::int64_t x)
        static_assert(M > 0);
        x %= M;
        return x < 0 ? x + M : x;
      // It assumes that both a and b are already mod M
      auto multiplication_(std::int64_t a, std::int64_t b)
        assert( 0 <= a  and a < M  and  0 <= b  and  b < M );
        assert( b == 0  or  a <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() / b );
        return (a * b) % M;
      // Implements exponentiation by squaring
      auto exponentiation(std::int64_t base, std::int64_t exponent) -> std::int64_t
        assert( exponent >= 0 );
        auto b{ from(base) };
        std::int64_t x{ 1 };
        while ( exponent > 1 )
          if ( exponent % 2 != 0 )
            x = multiplication_(x, b);
          b = multiplication_(b, b);
          exponent /= 2;
        return multiplication_(b, x);