I have a project in Python 2.7 and PyGTK 2.24. I am using the following code to create a motion animation of a gtk.Image inside a gtk.Fixed.
def fishmove():
global fishmove
if fishmove < 640:
fishmove = fishmove + 10
fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
gobject.timeout_add(1, fishmove)
However, while the program comes up without throwing any errors, the image doesn't move. What is going on?
BTW, fishmove starts out as 0.
I solved it. I just needed to add the line "return True" at the end of the function. Here is the fixed code. It works.
def fishmove():
global fishmove
if fishmove < 640:
fishmove = fishmove + 10
fixed_hab.move(fish1, fishmove, 50)
return True
gobject.timeout_add(1, fishmove)