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how to concat string to array element in rails

I have an array as


and I want to convert it to


I cannot figure out how I can do this in rails.


  • If you would like to append text to the values you have in a array you're going to probably want to loop through the data and append to each element in the array like so:

    my_array = ["test", "test2", "first_name"]
    new_array = my_array.collect{|value| "user.#{value}" }

    new_array will now be:

    ["user.test", "user.test2", "user.first_name"]

    You could also just overwrite your original array by using collect! like so

    my_array = ["test", "test2", "first_name"]
    my_array.collect!{|value| "user.#{value}" }

    This will of course overwrite your original original data in my_array

    If you would like to just change one value in the array you could use the index of that array and assign the value

    my_array = ["test", "test2", "first_name"]
    my_array[1] = "user.#{my_array[1]}}

    my_array will now read:

    ["test", "user.test2", "first_name"]

    Ruby doc info:

    collect and map are alias for each other fyi.