I'm trying to develop the expression to query Route53 and pull out the ID of our private zone.
Problem is the query string returns an empty array.
Base data below — running aws route53 list-hosted-zones
"HostedZones": [
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z030998332ZE45DV5X8L3",
"Name": "dev.initech.com.",
"CallerReference": "b00898ec-bd53-4551-8002-72a0822325e8",
"Config": {
"Comment": "Mainly used for certificates.",
"PrivateZone": false
"ResourceRecordSetCount": 10
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z062450333HHCLR5EM9XC",
"Name": "dev.initech.com.",
"CallerReference": "1a8f22d6-sam3-490b-8b76-9bc27bbdeb02",
"Config": {
"Comment": "",
"PrivateZone": true
"ResourceRecordSetCount": 9
I went off the AWS guide and came up with
aws route53 list-hosted-zones \
--query 'HostedZones[*].Config[?PrivateZone==`true`].Id'
But I got an empty array.
I figured Config.PrivateZone
is a boolean value so I tried
aws route53 list-hosted-zones --query 'HostedZones[*].Config[?PrivateZone==true].Id'
No error but still got an empty array.
I would expect to see something like
What am I doing wrong?
I figured out how to do it with jq via
jq '.[] | select(.Config.PrivateZone == true).Id' foo.json
But would still like to know how to do it in JMESPath just because it's bugging me now.
You were right doing [?PrivateZone == true]
instead of [?PrivateZone == `true`]
, what you missed is the fact that a filter needs to happen on an array, and HostedZones[].Config
is an object (or hash).
Because what you are actually looking for is a list of HostedZones
that match your requirement, the filter needs to happen at that level, and so the filter needs to check that Config.PrivateZone == true
Giving you the query:
And as you can see, you don't even need the == true
part, as the filter is already going to evaluate a boolean, it is useless.