I'm looking for a 1 click option in TortoiseGit for pulling the parent project as well as updating all the submodules to point to the latest HEAD. I know you can do the following after a pull with the drop down menu . . .
Is there a way to integrate the Update Submodules command to run automatically after a pull command? Or git-config option? Or server side option? Or script hook option?
I see the hook options in the TortoiseGit settings but only for commit and push commands, nothing for pull . . .
Right now I'm just executing a script with a few git commands to accomplish what I want. Here's the commands that I'm running in the script at the moment that works . . .
git submodule foreach git checkout master
git submodule foreach git pull
git pull origin
I was wondering if there was something in TortoiseGit that would accomplish the same thing?
EDIT: response to MrTux
You could configure Git to update submodules on pull automatically:
git config submodule.recurse true
or git config --global submodule.recurse true
How the modules are updated (to which branch etc.) can be controlled using .gitmodules
As of TortoiseGit 2.13 there is no support for git submodule foreach git pull