I have a dataset consisting of 250 rows that looks like to following:
In MongoDB Compass, I inserted the first row as follows:
db.employees.insertOne([{"employee_id": 412153,
"first_name": "Carrol",
"last_name": "Dhin",
"email": "carrol.dhin@company.com",
"managing": [{"manager_id": 412153, "employee_id": 174543}],
"department": [{"department_name": "Accounting", "department_budget": 500000}],
"laptop": [{"serial_number": "CSS49745",
"manufacturer": "Lenovo",
"model": "X1 Gen 10",
"date_assigned": {$date: 01-15-2022},
"installed_software": ["MS Office", "Adobe Acrobat", "Slack"]}]})
If I wanted to insert all 250 rows into the database using PyMongo in Python, how would I ensure that every row is entered following the format that I used when I inserted it manually in the Mongo shell?
from pymongo import MongoClient
import pandas as pd
client = MongoClient(‘localhost’, 27017)
db = client.MD
collection = db.gammaCorp
df = pd.read_csv(‘ ’) #insert CSV name here
data = {}
for i in df.index:
data['employee_id'] = df['employee_id'][i]
data['first_name'] = df['first_name'][i]
data['last_name'] = df['last_name'][i]
data['email'] = df['email'][i]
data['managing'] = [{'manager_id': df['employee_id'][i]}, {'employee_id': df['managing'][i]}]
data['department'] = [{'department_name': df['department'][i]}, {'department_budget': df['department_budget'][i]}]
data['laptop'] = [{'serial_number': df['serial_number'][i]}, {'manufacturer': df['manufacturer'][i]}, {'model': df['model'][i]}, {'date_assigned': df['date_assigned'][i]}, {'installed_software': df['installed_software'][i]}]