When I try to make a shape using variables, I keep getting this error message:
"TypeError: integer argument expected, got float"
import pygame._view
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
import random
barrel = pygame.image.load("images\Barrel.gif")
barrel_create = 0
barrelx = screen.get_height()- barrel.get_height()
barrely = screen.get_width()/2 - barrel.get_width()/2
barrel_exist = 0
explosion_delay = 0
while running:
if barrel_exist == 0:
if barrel_create == 500:
barrely = 200
barrelx = random.randint(0,400)
barrel_exist = 1
if barrel_exist == 1:
barrely = barrely + 0.1
if barrely > 400:
barrel_exist = 0
if explosion_delay > 0:
pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0,255,0), (barrelx, barrely), 64, 0)
explosion_delay = explosion_delay + 1
if explosion_delay == 100:
explosion_delay = 0
The explosion_delay > 0 when the barrel is "shot".
barrely = barrely + 0.1
must be a float at some point because of this line.
I think you should do pygame.draw.circle(screen, (0,255,0), (int(barrelx), int(barrely)), 64, 0)
to truncate the variables to integers as the function requires.