I have two lists of multiline strings and I try to get the the diff lines for these strings. First I tried to just split all lines of each string and handled all these strings as one big "file" and get the diff for it but I had a lot of bugs. I cannot just diff by index since I do not know, which multiline string was added, which was deleted and which one was modified.
Lets say I had the following example:
import difflib
oldList = ["one\ntwo\nthree","four\nfive\nsix","seven\neight\nnine"]
newList = ["four\nfifty\nsix","seven\neight\nnine","ten\neleven\ntwelve"]
oldAllTogether = []
for string in oldList:
newAllTogether = []
for string in newList:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(oldAllTogether,newAllTogether)
So I somehow have to find out, which strings belong to each other.
I had to implmenent my own code in order to get the desired output. It is basically the same as Differ.compare() with the difference that we have a look at multiline blocks instead of lines. So the code would be:
diffString = ""
oldList = ["one\ntwo\nthree","four\nfive\nsix","seven\neight\nnine"]
newList = ["four\nfifty\nsix","seven\neight\nnine","ten\neleven\ntwelve"]
a = oldList
b = newList
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)
for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
if tag == 'replace':
best_ratio, cutoff = 0.74, 0.75
oldstrings = a[alo:ahi]
newstrings = b[blo:bhi]
for j in range(len(newstrings)):
newstring = newstrings[j]
for i in range(len(oldstrings)):
oldstring = oldstrings[i]
if cruncher.real_quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
cruncher.quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
cruncher.ratio() > best_ratio:
best_ratio, best_old, best_new = cruncher.ratio(), i, j
if best_ratio < cutoff:
#added string
stringLines = newstring.splitlines()
for line in stringLines: diffString += "+" + line + "\n"
#replaced string
start = False
for diff in difflib.unified_diff(oldstrings[best_old].splitlines(),newstrings[best_new].splitlines()):
if start:
diffString += diff + "\n"
if diff[0:2] == '@@':
start = True
del oldstrings[best_old]
#deleted strings
stringLines = []
for string in oldstrings:
for line in stringLines: diffString += "-" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'delete':
stringLines = []
for string in a[alo:ahi]:
for line in stringLines:
diffString += "-" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'insert':
stringLines = []
for string in b[blo:bhi]:
for line in stringLines:
diffString += "+" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'equal':
raise ValueError('unknown tag %r' % (tag,))
which result in the following: