I want to read the pictures in a file in the order they are in the file. But when I read it with python it reads mixed. I don't want it sorted. How can I fix this?
def read_img(path):
st = os.path.join(path, "*.JPG")
st_ = os.path.join(path, "*.jpg")
for filename in glob.glob(st):
print("image array append : ", filename)
for filename in glob.glob(st_):
global size
size = len(img_array_input)
for i in img_array_input:
print("detection ")
print("detection out")
original file
the order of reading
I want it to read in the order in the original file.
If you want the list populated in the order that os.listdir() reveals files then:
from os import listdir
from os.path import join, splitext
BASE = '.' # directory to be parsed
EXTS = {'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG'} # file extensions of interest
def ext(p):
_, ext = splitext(p)
if ext:
return ext[1:]
def getfiles(base, include_base=True):
for entry in listdir(base):
if ext(entry) in EXTS:
yield join(base, entry) if include_base else entry
detection = [file for file in getfiles(BASE, include_base=False)]
os.listdir() returns a list of files in arbitrary order