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how to sort in a bootstrap3 DataTable using derived value from column?

I am using a DataTable in a bootstrap app and it is working great.

You can see the app running at (for example):

But. I have:

        $(document).ready(function () {
                    "columns": [
                        {"name": "Filing ID", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Filer ID", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Filer Name", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Filer Type", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Period", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Form", "orderable": true},
                        {"name": "Amounts", "orderable": false},
                        {"name": "Rpt Covers", "orderable": false}

And, like I said, it works great. But I want to sort of the Amounts column also.

But the Amounts column is actually put together from several possible values. I would like to sort on the sum of those values, but I do not need to display the sum of those values.

So, say I have two rows:

      thing1: 100,
      thing2: 100,
      thing3: 200
      <div style="visibility: hidden;">sum: 400</div>
      thing1: 100,
      thing2: 1000
      <div style="visibility: hidden;">sum: 1100</div>

I would like to have the standard sort buttons on the column, but I want them to sort on the sum value in each row.


I see things to try that might work but they all seem very awkward and ugly.

FYI, the versions of the libraries that I am using are:

Is this relevant? In DataTable, how to sort a column by partial value? Is jquery DataTable the same as the bootstrap DataTable?

What ended up working. The cell contents are:

This is a bit tricky to test. The cell now looks like:

 <td style = "white-space: nowrap;">
 <div style="visibility: hidden;">5898748</div>
 debt-amt_incur: $38,001.00<br/>
 debt-amt_paid: $4,824.00<br/>
 expn-amount: $271,681.00<br/>
 rcpt-amount: $234,479.00<br/>
 smry-amount_a: $3,662,227.00<br/>
 smry-amount_b: $1,362,306.00<br/>
 splt-elec_amount: $325,230.00<br/>

and the final js is:

 {"name": "Amounts",
  "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
     if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
     return data;
   else { // type is 'sort' in this case:
     return Number($.parseHTML(data)[0].innerHTML);


  • Here is an example approach using a column render function and orthogonal data.

    It uses similar table data to the data provided in the question.

    $(document).ready(function() {
        columns: [{
            name: "Col One",
            name: "Col Two",
            render: function(data, type, row, meta) {        
              if (type === 'display' || type === 'filter') {
                return data;        
              else { // type is 'sort' in this case:       
                let sum = Number($.parseHTML(data)[1].innerHTML.split(':')[1]);            
                return sum;
    <!doctype html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <div style="margin: 20px;">
        <table id="filings" class="display dataTable cell-border" style="width:100%">
              <th>Col One</th>
              <th>Col Two</th>
                thing1: 100, thing2: 200, thing3: 200
                <div style="visibility: hidden;">sum: 500</div>
                thing1: 100, thing2: 1000
                <div style="visibility: hidden;">sum: 1100</div>

    The demo uses this:

    let sum = Number($.parseHTML(data)[1].innerHTML.split(':')[1]);

    to extract the sum value from each hidden <div>. It's just for demo purposes, to show you the approach. I am sure there are more robust approaches. And this only works for the very specific sample data provided in the question.

    Reference: parseHTML