I have a model called OrdenesTrabajo. I have an appended field called 'show_personal' like so:
protected $appends = [
public function getShowPersonalAttribute() {
$data = [];
$arrPersonal = json_decode($this->personal);
if($arrPersonal) {
foreach ($arrPersonal as $key => $value) {
$data[] = Personal::find($value);
return $data;
The appended field causes no problem when used in a Controller which redirects to a view. But the problem comes when I have to consult the OrdenesTrabajo model using AJAX calling a controller action, to make it work in the API controller method I have to add ->makeHidden('show_personal')
because it won't load, it just keeps loading until it reaches a timeout with message: No data found for resource with given identifier
. Making the appended field hidden makes the ajax query work, so I assume it's something in the appended field that's causing the problem here. It's not an option to make it hidden because I need the data.
I've also tried making the appended field hidden in the model, and making it visible when I need it but it keeps doing the same thing (loading the ajax query until timeout).
Extra info: I'm using Laravel 5.8 Thanks in advance, my apologies for any grammar mistakes.
So I fixed it, thanks to Tim and msmahon who very much accurately pointed out my problem, it was a loop between two appended fields, both in OrdenesTrabajo
model and Personal
model. In Personal
model I had:
protected $appends= [
public function getShowOrdenTrabajoAttribute() {
$data = [];
$arrOT = OrdenesTrabajo::All();
foreach ($arrOT as $key => $value) {
$arrPersonal = json_decode($value->personal);
if($arrPersonal) {
if(in_array($this->id, $arrPersonal)) {
$data[] = $value;
return $data;
so, it was appending > looping > appending > looping as Tim said. My solution was to make the show_orden_trabajo
field in Personal
model hidden instead of appends, and that field was used just once so when I need it I just make it visible like so:
$per = Personal::find($id)->makeVisible('show_orden_trabajo');
The original problem is that I should've had a relationship between these two models. But this made the trick, just hope in the future I don't need both fields when calling via API. Thank you both for your answers