I am doing some investigation of a closed-source app using ADB. I would like to log the commands this app is making, the ADB binaries it uses are in the same directory. Would I be able to sniff the commands by faking an ADB device or maybe modding the source code of the build tools to include a log?
Best regards.
I tried using some apps on a physical android device to log the incoming packets, though I got nowhere. I expect to be able to know what this closed source app is doing on my device.
PS: I am sorry if this sounds dumb, I know ADB is open source, part of the Android Open Source Project, but I made this post to make sure I am not missing some small detail. I am not an expert in the ADB protocol so excuse my clumsiness.
Copied from this answer to How to fetch ADB shell traffic?
It is as simple as listening on the ADB server's port through Wireshark (TCP port 5037) since all the commands pass through the adb server/daemon before going to USB.
It is also possible to sniff the USB traffic using USBPcap, as it also is unencrypted.