I have a table called price and it has columns like Item , Price_01, Price_02, Price_03, Price_04 and table data is as follows.
Item , Price_01, Price_02, Price_03, Price_04
Bat , 1000 , 1100, 1200 , 1300
Ball , 11000 , 1200, 1300 , 1400
My requirement is, i want to get Price columns data as rows for the given input Item. For example, Item input is Bat then output should be like
How can i do this in Postgres. Is there any alternate for PIVOT in Postgres
That's an UNPIVOT, not PIVOT and it can be done using a VALUES clause in Postgres:
select p.item,
from price p
cross join lateral (
values (p.price_01), (p.price_02), (p.price_03), (p.price_04)
) as v(price)
where p.item = 'Bat'