I think I'm missing something when it comes to grant alter table. I'm looking at the AWS docs
And they say I can grant alter table to a role. I've tried running grant alter table to user
but that gives me SQL Error [0LP01]: ERROR: Grant/Revoke system privilege on User is not supported.
. So, I'm confused on what exactly a role in redshift is and how it works. Using rows, could I grant a group of people alter table permissions on a single schema?
You can grant "ALTER TABLE" in this way.
create role testingaltertablerole;
create user testingaltertableuser with password disable;
grant alter table to role testingaltertablerole;
grant role testingaltertablerole to testingaltertableuser;
At the moment, there's no way to grant this permission for a single table, AFAIK.