I have a function I have come across:
def sub_kpi1_rule(sub_comp_appr_date, date_report_run, greater_of_date_sub_sub_ll):
if pd.isnull(sub_comp_appr_date) and not alive_for_six_days(date_report_run, greater_of_date_sub_sub_ll):
return "NA"
elif (sub_comp_appr_date - greater_of_date_sub_sub_ll).ceil("1d").days <= 6:
return "PASS"
return "FAIL"
all arguments are date types, so I am assuming:
(sub_comp_appr_date - greater_of_date_sub_sub_ll)
...returns a timedelta instance. I am confused about this ceil(syntax)
elif (sub_comp_appr_date - greater_of_date_sub_sub_ll).ceil("1d").days <= 6:
because if I try and subtract two dates and use this function, I get an error:
from datetime import date
a = date(2022, 10,1)
b = date(2022, 10,15)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [36], line 4
2 a = date(2022, 10,1)
3 b = date(2022, 10,15)
----> 4 (b-a).ceil("1d")
AttributeError: 'datetime.timedelta' object has no attribute 'ceil'
The function is called on a data frame:
df["Sub KPI1"] = df.apply(lambda x: sub_kpi1_rule(x["SUBM_LATE_DESTINATION_COMPLIANCE_APPROVAL_DATE"], date_report_run, x["Greater of Date Submitted and Submission LL Created"]), axis=1)
I think the types are pd.Timestamp, as date_report_run is explicitly converted to one:
date_report_run = date(year_report_run, month_report_run, day_report_run)
date_report_run = pd.Timestamp(date_report_run)
I am guessing I am getting a pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas.Timedelta back rather than a normal timedelta.
You get an error, because you're using .ceil()
on datetime.timedelta class in your example. You need the pandas class for this. (pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas.Timedelta)
delta = pd.Timedelta(4, "d")
Now, what does this .ceil("1d")
If you have a delta with hours and minutes you want ceil it to days value. E.g.:
date1 = pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
date2 = pd.to_datetime(1490597688, unit='s')
date2 - date1
Timedelta('4 days 15:38:03')
(date2 - date1).ceil("1d")
Timedelta('5 days 00:00:00')
As the hours are more than 12h, the date delta gets ceiled to 5 days.