This is regarding neo4j csv import using LOAD csv. Suppose my csv file format is as following.
Id, OID, name, address, Parents , Children
1, mid1, ratta, hello@aa, ["mid250","mid251","mid253"], ["mid60","mid65"]
2, mid2, butta, ado@bb, ["mid350","mid365","mid320", "mid450","mid700"], ["mid20","mid25","mid30"]
3, mid3, natta, hkk@aa, ["mid50","mid311","mid543"], []
So the parents and children columns consists of mids basically..while importing csv into neo4j using LOAD CSV.. I want to create following nodes and relationships.
NODES for each rows (for each id column in csv)
[:PARENT] relationship by matching the OID property in each row and OID properties inside parents column. So as a example when processing the first row...there should be four nodes (mid1, mid250,mid 251 and mid 253) and 3 PARENT relationship between mid1 and other 3 nodes.
[: CHILD ] relationship by matching the OID property in each row and OID properties inside children column.
Please help!!
Tried doing it with for each function but the results didn't come correctly. Im doing it through a python script. just need to edit the cypher query.
def create_AAA(tx):
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///aaa.csv' AS row MERGE (e:AAA {id: row._id,OID: row.OID,address: row.address,name:})"
def create_parent(tx):
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///aaa.csv' AS row MERGE (a:AAA {OID: row.OID}) FOREACH (t in row.parents | MERGE (e:AAA {OID:t}) MERGE (a)-[:PARENT]->(e) )"
def create_child(tx):
"LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///aaa.csv' AS row MERGE (a:AAA {OID: row.OID}) FOREACH (t in row.children | MERGE (e:AAA {OID:t}) MERGE (a)-[:CHILD]->(e) )"
with driver.session() as session:
Please follow the instructions below:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///aaa.csv' AS row MERGE (a:AAA {OID: row.OID}) FOREACH (t in split(replace(replace(replace(row.parents,'[', ''),']', ''),'"', ''), ' ') | MERGE (e:AAA {OID:t}) MERGE (a)-[:PARENT]->(e) )
See sample csv here:
1,mid1,ratta,hello@aa,["mid250" "mid251" "mid253"],["mid60" "mid65"]
2,mid2,butta,ado@bb,["mid350" "mid365" "mid320" "mid450" "mid700"],["mid20" "mid25" "mid30"]
3,mid3,natta,hkk@aa,["mid50" "mid311" "mid543"],[]