A histogram metric has been set up so that the amount of time it takes for certain methods to run can be measured.
static final Histogram duration = Histogram.build()
.help("Execution time of methods")
.labelNames("controller", "method")
.exponentialBuckets(0.005, 4, 8)
Timer timer = duration.labels("c1","m2").startTimer();
Now, I want to add an alert that will check to see if the time it takes to execute the command is more than 300 milliseconds.
How can I define this alert? Is it possible to display the specifics of the incident in order to determine which methods exceeded?
Regardless of all the other fields that you need to add for AlertManager, the expression should be as below:
sum(rate(controller_method_duration_sum{controller=~".*controllerName"}[1m])) > 0.3