In agent based model, let say I have 10 locations and in each location I have random number of people(10~20). Also, I have 5 facility locations. Now I can send all people from each people-location to nearest facility using getNearestAgent(). But I want to send 70% people to nearest one, 20% to second nearest one and 10% to 3rd nearest facility. How can I do that?
I put all locations in GIS map. And successfully send people to nearest facility.
Make a function that takes as argument the person and returns a location:
Location nearest=person.getNearestAgent(locations);
return nearest;
List <Location> otherLocations=findAll(locations,l->!l.equals(nearest));
Location secondNearest=person.getNearestAgent(otherLocations);
return secondNearest;
List <Location> otherLocations2=findAll(otherLocations,l->!l.equals(secondNearest));
return person.getNearestAgent(otherLocations2);