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Wierd behaviour on clicking ctrl-y in termux-linux

So basically i use emmet and coc-completions as a neovim developer in termux (it's an android app that runs linux environment). Today all of the sudden, my ctrl-y button started taking 2-3 sec to even execute. Lemme elaborate what i mean . enter image description here Whenever i click ctrl-y, a big "Y" letter comes on the screen and stays for 2 seconds. Which earlier didn't show up and it literally used to take half a second or less. I recall so many things i did before this happened, i am not sure what made it happened. If you have any idea please any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • So basically what i did is i changed the mapping of emmet code writer to tab from "". The problem now arises with tab, but i don't care as "" is working. Thanks to the guy who helped me :)