I'm trying to create a swfPanel for Flash CS5.5 using JSFL. I created my interface in flash and try to communicate with a JSFL command. So, in my .fla file, I use an ExternalInterface with callBack to call a specific function in JSFL, and then swfPanel.call() for the return. The problem I encounter is that I can't pass an Array as argument for the call function (after the AS3 function name). Here's the code :
In AS3 :
function init():void{
ExternalInterface.addCallback("callBackPanel", JsflCallback);
MMExecute("fl.runScript( fl.configURI + \"AirMobileFramework/AirMobileFrameworkPanel.jsfl\", \"checkSettings\" );");
function JsflCallback(... args):void{
function jsTrace(str:String):void{
MMExecute("fl.trace(\"" + str + "\");");
function checkSettings(){
var fileSettingsUrl = fl.configURI + "AirMobileFramework/settings.fwk";
var exist = FLfile.exists(fileSettingsUrl);
var result = new Array("settings", exist);
FLfile.write(fileSettingsUrl, "");
} else {
function callPanelBack(result){
fl.trace("result: " + result.length + " > " + typeof result + " >> " + result[0]);
var panel;
if(fl.swfPanels.length > 0){
for(x = 0; x < fl.swfPanels.length; x++){
if(fl.swfPanels[x].name == "AirMobileFramework"){
panel = fl.swfPanels[x];
panel.call("callBackPanel", result);
} else {
fl.trace("No existing panel");
When calling panel.call("callBackPanel", result[0], result[1]); there is no problem, my callback is well called, but when using panel.call("callBackPanel", result); I've an error : La ou les erreurs JavaScript suivantes se sont produites lors de l'exécution de AirMobileFramework : La ou les erreur(s) JavaScript suivantes se sont produites :
Any idea ??
I would guess that it's because JSFL can't parse an array. In the example you give, with result[0], result[1] you have seperate values (probably strigns or numbers), and that should give no problem.
What I would do is this:
panel.call("callBackPanel", result.join("@*$");
and in the as3 function simply just arg.split("@*$")
if your input could have the string "@*$", then you could simply make a call to the SWF for each item in result, and when you're done with the loop there, tell the SWF to gather the things - like this:
function callPanelBack(result){
fl.trace("result: " + result.length + " > " + typeof result + " >> " + result[0]);
var panel;
if(fl.swfPanels.length > 0){
for(x = 0; x < fl.swfPanels.length; x++){
if(fl.swfPanels[x].name == "AirMobileFramework"){
panel = fl.swfPanels[x];
for(var i=0; i < result.length; i++){
panel.call("callBackPanelArgument", result[i])
} else {
fl.trace("No existing panel");
and then in AS3:
function callBackPanelStart():void
jsflArray = [];
function callBackPanelArgument(argument:*):void
function callBackPanelEnd():void
// execute whatever you must on the result