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Setting baseUrl in npm script doesn't change it (Cypress)

I want to be able to run my Cypress scripts on any URL by modifying the value of baseUrl but the command doesn't change it.

"cypress open --env version=development --config baseUrl="

I have tried env variable too but that also doesn't work:

"cypress:open:dev": "cypress open --env version=development,baseUrl="

Config file:

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      const version = config.env.version || 'development'
      const configFile = await import(path.join(
      const credentialsFile = await import(path.join(
      config = {
        ...config,                    // take config defined in this file
        ...configFile                 // merge/override from the external file
      config.env = {
        ...config.env,                // 2nd level merge
        ...credentialsFile[version]   // from git-ignored file 
      config.baseUrl = configFile.baseUrl
      return config
    reporter: 'mochawesome'


    "env": {
        "baseUrl": "",


  • Here is the solution that provides what I was looking for:

    The command, URL is optional, if not provided it uses the hard-coded value in development.json:

    "cypress:open:dev": "CYPRESS_BASE_URL=$URL cypress open --env version=development"

    The only line I needed to change in my config was the following:

    config.baseUrl = config.baseUrl || configFile.env.baseUrl

    All my tests were using the following:


    So I needed to change to:


    With this solution, I can run the script without any argument and it will use default baseUrl, or I can run URL=" npm run cypress:open:dev and the baseUrl will change