I cant figure out whats wrong with this:
$message = new xmlrpcmsg('service.RegistrationDetails',
array(new xmlrpcval(
array('EventId' => new xmlrpxval($EventId, "int"),
'ParticipantId' => new xmlrpxval($usrId, "int")), 'array')
its as per the documentation on - http://phpxmlrpc.sourceforge.net/doc/xmlrpcval.html
but the above crashes
$result = $server->send($message);
I tried:
$message = new xmlrpcmsg('service.RegistrationDetails',
new xmlrpcval(
array('EventId' => new xmlrpxval($EventId, "int"),
'ParticipantId' => new xmlrpxval($usrId, "int")), 'array')
but that didnt work either
my bad! i had a typo in there - "xmlrpxval" instead of "xmlrpcval". i think the second should work, but not sure...
This worked perfectly:
$message = new xmlrpcmsg('abc.abcDetails', array(new xmlrpcval($cId, 'int'), new xmlrpcval($dStr,'string') ));