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Filter specific text in Redshift

I'm trying to filter the name of a table from a text column that contains SQL script in it. Sample below:

**columnA**        **ColumnB**
dt_1203       CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.demand_fcst_view AS
              SELECT id,region,snapshotday,demand
              FROM dtnet.dly_demand_fcst_all a

dt_1204       CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.demand_fcst_view AS
              SELECT id,region,snapshotday,demand
              FROM salesfrc.dly_demand_fcst_all

dt_1204       CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.demand_fcst_view AS
              SELECT id,region,snapshotday,demand
              FROM salesfrc.dly_demand_fcst_all_output

I only want rows where the text is "dly_demand_fcst_all" as my output, irrespective of which schema the table falls under or how many times the tables repeats.

I tried the query ColumnB like '%dly_demand_fcst_all' it is returning zero rows. I tried the query ColumnB like '%dly_demand_fcst_all%' it is returning all three rows

what am I missing here?


  • Probably you have some symbols at the end of the ColumnB. You can try using this filter, to filter only dly_demand_fcst_all table, and not dly_demand_fcst_all_

    where column_b like '%dly_demand_fcst_all%'
    and column_b not like '%dly_demand_fcst_all\\_%'

    Or you can try TRIM function, for removing spaces

    where trim(column_b) like '%dly_demand_fcst_all'