I need all permutations of a bool array, the following code is inefficient, but does what I want:
from itertools import permutations
import numpy as np
a = np.array([True]*n1+[False]*n2)
perms = set(permutations(a))
However it is inefficient and fails for long arrays. Is there a more efficent implementation?
What about sampling the combinations of indices of the True values:
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(n1+n2)
out = [np.isin(a, x).tolist() for x in combinations(range(n1+n2), r=n1)]
[[True, True, False, False, False],
[True, False, True, False, False],
[True, False, False, True, False],
[True, False, False, False, True],
[False, True, True, False, False],
[False, True, False, True, False],
[False, True, False, False, True],
[False, False, True, True, False],
[False, False, True, False, True],
[False, False, False, True, True]]