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Display Child field at vfp from Controller

I'm trying to display subqueries columns on my Visualforce page but I can't.

Apex controller:

public class FormController {

    private final FormularioDeVisita__c formulario;

    public FormularioVisitaPdfController() {
        if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') != null){
        formulario = [
          ChequeEmpresa__c, SedePropria__c, CNPJ__c, MercadoExternoCliente__c, DataFundacao__c,
                FormInfoPercent__c, FormInfoText__c, FormInfoCheckbox__c, FormInfoDate__c, FormInfoCurrency__c,
                FormInfoPercentDecimal__c, FormularioVisita__c
            from FormularioVisitaChild__r) 
        from FormularioDeVisita__c 
        WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];

    public FormularioDeVisita__c getformularioVisita() {
            return formulario;

    public PageReference save() {
        update formulario;
        return null;

Example from Visualforce page:

     <td class="table td">Mercado livre?</td>
     <td class="table td_right">{!formularioVisita.MercadoLivre__c}</td>

Using like that I can display the columns from the father without problems, but when I try to display from children, I can't.

I didn't find any information about it.

Display children columns in my HTML in Visualforce.


  • You need <apex:repeat>, <apex:datatable>, <apex:pageBlockTable> tags. contains example of using repeat to access Account.Cases. In your code it'll be repeat over {!formularioVisita.FormularioVisitaChild__r}