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TF400813: The user '' is not authorized to access this resource - Azure DevOps TFVC

I have create a pipeline and trying to trigger and download the artifacts via Azure CLI (tried both windows powershell and Developer powershell).

I can log in, trigger the pipeline without any issue, but when tried the below command to download the artifact it throws the error message 'TF400813: The user '' is not authorized to access this resource'

az pipelines runs artifact download --org <organization> --project <Project name> --artifact-name <Pipeline name> --path <local download path> --run-id 11

I am using PAT to log in and the user is assigned as the administrator and assigned to the relevant project too. PAT has full access.

Further, i tried log in interactively by using az login, but same error occurs.

PAT Setting

PAT Setting

Organization Setting

Organization Setting

Organization User Setting

Project Setting

enter image description here



  • seems computer cache conflicts with the provided user, it worked when i tried with a different PC, thanks everyone for the support.