I am new to Azure Data Lakes. Currently I am using ADLS Gen2. I have configured pipelines for single source data sets to destination data sets. This is working fine. Then I configured the pipeline for uploading / ingesting whole database from on-prem to ADLS gen2.
Here is the process: Factory studio -> Ingest -> Built-in copy task -> sql server as Data store and configured runtime -> Select All tables (Existing tables) -> and so on.
Then from pipelines when I trigger this activity, it successfully uploads all tables to containers in separate files(based on source table names)
Then when I update data in one of the tables in sources it successfully updates the data in destination file.
But the problem is when I add new table in database and then triggers the activity, this new table is not uploaded. Is there a way to update source data set to include this new table?
I have seen all the properties of source data set and activity in pipeline. Also searched for the solution, but stuck in this scenario.
To dynamically get list of all tables and copy it to your datalake storage account, you can use the following procedure:
I have used a script activity on my azure SQL database (for demonstration) to get the list of tables in my database using the following query as suggested by @Scott Mildenberger:
Now in for each
loop, Use items value as the output rows of above script activity i.e., @activity('get tables').output.resultSets[0].rows
. Inside for each loop, use a copy activity, where source is your database and destination is ADLS sink.
I have created 2 parameters for sink destination called schema
and table
and used them as shown below:
schema: @item().TABLE_SCHEMA
table: @item().TABLE_NAME
and table
and I have used it to create file name dynamically as @{dataset().schema}@{dataset().table}.csv