I am trying to emit same state with different set of data using equatable. But, somehow the state doesn't get emitted the second time when next 5 records are added in the list.
It would be great if someone could help.
This is how I am emitting post:
loadedState = LoadedPosts(
now: DateTime.now(),
post: List.from(postDetailsFilteredPostResponse, growable: false),
newCount: 0,
friends: List.from(postFriendsResponse, growable: false),
likes: List.from(postLikesResponse, growable: false),
comments:List.from(postCommentsResponse, growable: false),
photos: List.from(postPhotosResponse, growable: false),
userDetail: userDetail);
This is the state class:
abstract class PostState extends Equatable{
List<Object?> get props => [];
class LoadedPosts extends PostState{
List<Post> post = List<Post>.filled(5, Post(postId: ''));
final List<User>? friends;
final List<Images> photos;
final List<UserLikes> likes;
final List<UserComments> comments;
final User? userDetail;
final int newCount;
final DateTime now;
required this.post,
required this.friends,
required this.photos,
required this. likes,
required this.comments,
required this.newCount,
required this.now,
this.userDetail });
List<Object?> get props => [now, post];
Change your Model as below, have your timestamp as int and assign unique timestamp value ( Mili-seconds ) every-time when you emit.
abstract class PostState extends Equatable {
List<Object?> get props => [];
class LoadedPosts extends PostState {
final List<Post> post;
final List<User>? friends;
final List<Images> photos;
final List<UserLikes> likes;
final List<UserComments> comments;
final User? userDetail;
final int newCount;
final int now; // have this as ( int )
required this.post,
required this.friends,
required this.photos,
required this. likes,
required this.comments,
required this.newCount,
required this.now,
this.userDetail });
List<Object?> get props => [now, post];
Have the value like this:
LoadedPosts(now: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch, ...);