Search code examples

How to query on SQL Server in .NET 6 minimal API by anything other than Id

I have a small database that has been created by EF using a typical model class:

public class Metrics
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string? MetricValue { get; set; }
    public string? MetricHost { get; set; }
    public string? MetricTime { get; set; }

The database is now populated with data and my Minimal API can return all the entries from:

app.MapGet("/metric", async (DataContext context) => await context.Metrics.ToListAsync());

And also, I can query by Id:

app.MapGet("/metric/{id}", async (DataContext context, int id) => 
    await context.Metrics.FindAsync(id) is Metric metric ? 
    Results.Ok(metric) :
    Results.NotFound("Metric not found"));

I've been searching the web for something that would show how to search by another property but have not found anything that works. e.g.,


This article on CodeMaze is the closest I've found but none of the examples seem to work:

Any help is appreciated. Here's an example that did not work:

app.MapGet("/search", (SearchCriteria criteria) =>
    return $"Host: {criteria.MetricHost}, Id: {criteria.Id}";

With model changes:

public class Metric
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string? MetricValue { get; set; }
    public string? MetricHost { get; set; }
    public string? MetricTime { get; set; }

    public static ValueTask<Metric?> BindAsync(HttpContext context, ParameterInfo parameter)
        string hostname = context.Request.Query["MetricHost"];
        int.TryParse(context.Request.Query["Id"], out var id);

        var result = new Metric
            MetricHost = hostname,
            Id = id

        return ValueTask.FromResult<Metric?>(result);


  • You are binding wrong type, BindAsync should be part of SearchCriteria:

    app.MapGet("/search", (SearchCriteria criteria, DataContext context) =>
        IQueryable<Metric> query = context.Metrics;
        if(criteria.MetricHost is not null)
            query = query.Where(m => m.MetricHost == criteria.MetricHost)
        // ... rest of filters
        return await query.ToListAsync();
    public class SearchCriteria
        public string? MetricHost { get; set; }
        // ... rest of filters
        public static ValueTask<SearchCriteria?> BindAsync(HttpContext context, ParameterInfo parameter)
            string hostname = context.Request.Query["MetricHost"];
            // ... rest of filters
            var result = new SearchCriteria
                MetricHost = hostname,
            return ValueTask.FromResult<SearchCriteria?>(result);

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