I have this typescript which works:
import ytdl from 'react-native-ytdl';
type DirectLink = {
url: string;
headers: any[];
type VideoFormat = {
itag: number;
url: string;
width: number;
height: number;
type BasicInfo = {
formats: VideoFormat[];
export default class YoutubeVideo {
static root: string = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=';
async getDirectLink(id: string): Promise<DirectLink[]> {
const url = `${YoutubeVideo.root}${id}`;
return await ytdl(url, {quality: 'highestaudio'});
async getBasicInfo(id: string): Promise<BasicInfo> {
const url = `${YoutubeVideo.root}${id}`;
return await ytdl.getBasicInfo(url);
Now I want to add type definitions, so I created node_modules/@types/react-native-ytdl/index.d.ts which contains :
export default function ytdl(link: string, options: any): Promise<any>;
this make await ytdl(url, {quality: 'highestaudio'})
not complaining any more.
Now what should I do for getBasicInfo
so that I can write ?
import ytdl, {getBasicInfo} from 'react-native-ytdl';
return await getBasicInfo(url);
You don't have to create your type definitions inside the node_modules
Any top-level declaration file will do. ex:
declare module 'react-native-ytdl' {
type VideoFormat = {
itag: number;
url: string;
width: number;
height: number;
type BasicInfo = {
formats: VideoFormat[];
interface Ytdl {
(link: string, options: any): Promise<any>;
getBasicInfo: (url: string | URL) => Promise<BasicInfo>;
const ytdl: Ytdl;
export default ytdl;
export const getBasicInfo: Ytdl['getBasicInfo']