Search code examples

How to open a window by clicking on a column in a tree view table?

How would you double click on a column in a tree view table to then display the specific records on entry fields on a new window.

def SearchCustomer(self):
            connection = sqlite3.connect("Guestrecord.db")
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            columnID = ["GuestID","title","firstName","surname","dob","payment","email","phoneno","address","postcode"]
            columnStr =["GuestID","Title","FirstName","Surname","DOB","Payment","Email","PhoneNo","Address","Postcode"]

            self.search_table = ttk.Treeview(self.search_frame,columns=columnID,show="headings")

##            self.search_table.bind("<Motion>","break")

            for i in range(0,10):
                self.search_table.heading(columnID[i],text = columnStr[i])
                self.search_table.column(columnID[i],minwidth = 0, width = 90)

            for GuestRec in cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM tb1Guest1"):

            self.search_table.bind("<Double-1>", self.OnDoubleClick)

        sqlCommand = """
           CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb1Guest1
           guestID INTEGER NOT NULL,
           guestTitle TEXT,
           guestFirstname TEXT,
           guestSurname TEXT,
           guestDOB DATE,
           guestPaymentType TEXT,
           guestEmail TEXT,
           guestPhoneNumber INTEGER,
           guestAddress TEXT,
           guestPostcode TEXT,
           primary key (guestID)

        self.search_firstname = Entry(self.search_frame2, width=25,bg="#e2f0d9",font=("Avenir Next",18),highlightthickness = 0,relief=FLAT) = 140, y =0)
        self.search_firstname_label = Label(self.search_frame2,bg = "white", text = "First Name", font=("Avenir Next",20)) 30,y=0)
        self.search_Surname = Entry(self.search_frame2, width=25,bg="#e2f0d9",font=("Avenir Next",18),highlightthickness = 0,relief=FLAT) = 540, y =0)
        self.search_Surname_label = Label(self.search_frame2,bg = "white", text = "Surname", font=("Avenir Next",20)) 450,y=0)

##      Binding entries

    def OnDoubleClick(self, event):

This is the my code for displaying my records in my search tree view table. I am able to double click on a column to then bring up a new window but I am unsure how I would display the specific records on my entry fields I am making on the new window? If anyone could suggest a solution to this torment it would be much amazing. Thanks in advance.


  • You should be able to grab the selected Treeview item from the mouse event being passed to your OnDoubleClick() function. If you want to open a new window that's a child of your root window, you'll want a Toplevel widget. You can treat that Toplevel window pretty much just like you would a root Tk window.

    # side note: this should really be named "on_double_click" by convention
    def OnDoubleClick(self, event):  
        tree = event.widget  # get the treeview widget
        region = tree.identify_region(event.x, event.y)  # get click location
        iid = tree.identify('item', event.x, event.y)  # get item ID
        if region == 'cell':  # i.e., if the click wasn't on the header row...
            data = tree.item(iid)['values']  # get the item data
            window = Toplevel(self)
            window.transient(self)  # optional: hide window controls except [x], pull focus
            # whatever you want here...
            window.geometry = '400x600'
            label = ttk.Label(window, text=data)
            # yadda yadda...