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API Gateway error "Unsupported Media Type" when trying to accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded data

I am using the following tutorial:

When I test the api in aws I receive a 415 error, Unsupported Media Type. I assume this is related to the fact that Twilio sends its data in the form of application/x-www-form-urlencoded and AWS wants json.

The tutorial takes this into account. However, its code does not work for me.

I have searched the web, and tried numerous fixes to no avail.

The raw data from Twilio is (with sensitive information changed)


I enter this information in the body section of the test, run the test and the error is thrown. There is also the same error when I try the actual webhook through Twilio.

I have also entered with surrounded in {} I have also tried a jsonified version with the ampersands changed to commas, and the equal signs changed to colons with the items in quotes. I also have tried:

    "to_number": "+14444444444",
    "from_number": "+15555555555",
    "message": "hello does this API work"

I have also tried to add the following to the header of the test

"Content-Type": ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] 

Many of the fixes I have tried involve changing the Integration Request mapping. None have worked. The one from the tutorial is:

#set($httpPost = $input.path('$').split("&"))
#foreach( $kvPair in $httpPost )
 #set($kvTokenised = $kvPair.split("="))
 #if( $kvTokenised.size() > 1 )
   "$kvTokenised[0]" : "$kvTokenised[1]"#if( $foreach.hasNext ),#end
   "$kvTokenised[0]" : ""#if( $foreach.hasNext ),#end

And is of content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

There is a stack on this topic: Amazon Api gateway integration with Twilio None of its solutions worked for me.

I thought the following was very promising, but it also failed for me.

I have also tried to change the lambda function. However I do not think it is the source. Its tests work.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Quote from AWS console:

    You can configure binary support for your API by specifying which media types should be treated as binary types. API Gateway will look at the Content-Type and Accept HTTP headers to decide how to handle the body.

    It sounds like you should configure your specific media type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" under API gateway settings (Binary Media Types), which will tell the API gateway to accept that body type.

    Navigate to Api Gateway Console:

    1. Click on your API
    2. On the left select settings (under API menu)
    3. Scroll down and click Add Binary Media Type
    4. Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded Click save

    Hoping this will help.