I cannot seem to get the serif font 'Source Serif Pro' to render in my app. I have also set up 'Roboto" which renders fine. I tried a few different ways in the tailwind config...array...string...font stack in double quotes as said on Tailwind site.
Not sure what I am missing here?
tailwind config
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
fontFamily: {
roboto: ['Roboto', 'sans'],
source: ['Source Serif Pro', 'serif'],
extend: {
colors: {
gray: {
50: '#f4f4f4',
100: '#000029',
200: '#bebebe',
300: '#555555',
400: '#444444',
500: '#3e3e3e',
tan: {
400: '#d1b991',
500: '#caae7f',
green: {
400: '#008059',
500: '#006846',
nuxt config inside 'build modules'
families: {
Roboto: {
wght: [400, 700],
'Source+Serif+Pro': {
wght: [400, 600],
subsets: ['latin'],
display: 'swap',
prefetch: false,
preconnect: false,
preload: false,
download: true,
base64: false,
You need to do:
For example for Nunito
@font-face {
font-display: swap;
font-family: 'Nunito';
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
src: local('Nunito Regular'), local('Nunito-Regular'),
url('~assets/fonts/Nunito-400-cyrillic-ext1.woff2') format('woff2');