I don't understand why programmers use %s, when they can simply just add the variable name to the print statement. I mean its less work to type in the variable name instead of " ...%s" % name) "
# declaring a string variable
name = "David"
# append a string within a string
print("Hey, %s!" % name)`
Why do Programmers not type in instead:
# declaring a string variable
name = "David"
# printing a salutation without having to append a string within a string:
print("Hey," + " " + name + "!")`
There may be some performance difference, but it mostly comes down to preference.
The most modern approach is to use f-strings. With your example this would look like this:
# declaring a string variable
name = "David"
# format print using f-string
print(f"Hey, {name}!")
This way there is no %s not is there need for all the extra + symbols and spaces.
Good Luck!