The column consist of minutes that is in the decimal format. This is to be converted to Time format.
Example: The 5th record is 61 minutes and 6 seconds.
This is to be displayed as 1 hour, 1 minute and 6 seconds - (01:01:06).
How to solve this problem in power query editor/ power BI?
Plenty of options. You can do it in Power Query, in DAX as a measure or as a calculated column.
Here is a simple calculated column:
Formatted =
VAR _hrs = QUOTIENT ( [minutes_watched] , 60 )
VAR _mins = INT ( [minutes_watched] - _hrs * 60 )
VAR _sec = MOD ( [minutes_watched] , 1.0 ) * 60
This also handles weirdos watching for more than 24 hrs, at which a TIME
data type would overflow:
It is also easily written as a measure where the minutes watched can be an aggregation instead:
Formatted Minutes :=
VAR _agg_time = [Sum minutes watched] // Aggregation measure of choice goes here
VAR _hrs = QUOTIENT ( _agg_time , 60 )
VAR _mins = INT ( _agg_time - _hrs * 60 )
VAR _sec = MOD ( _agg_time , 1.0 ) * 60
Which gives you this result: