I have the following code, based on Google's official API
def publish_messages_with_error_handler(project_id: str = GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID,
topic_id: str = GOOGLE_CLOUD_TOPIC_ID,
data: List[str] = []) -> dict:
# [START pubsub_publish_with_error_handler]
"""Publishes multiple messages to a Pub/Sub topic with an error handler."""
publisher = pubsub_v1.PublisherClient()
topic_path = publisher.topic_path(project_id, topic_id)
publish_futures = []
result = {
"succeded": [],
"failed": []
def get_callback(publish_future: pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future,
data: str) -> Callable[[pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future], None]:
def callback(publish_future: pubsub_v1.publisher.futures.Future) -> None:
except futures.TimeoutError:
logger.info(f"Publishing {data} timed out.")
return callback
if data:
for message in data:
publish_future = publisher.publish(topic_path, message.encode("utf-8"))
publish_future.add_done_callback(get_callback(publish_future, message))
futures.wait(publish_futures, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED)
print(f"Published messages with error handler to {topic_path}.")
for future in publish_futures:
if future.exception():
return result
The data variable is just a list of uuid4. If the publish succeeded, I want to append the message's id in results['succeded'], otherwise, I want to append the message's id in results['failed'].
How can I achieve that? Thanks in advance.
Your code is already doing that - captures all success and failure in two separate list and return them as dictionary with keys succeded
and failed
# Define a dictionary - 2 keys "succeded" and "failed" with empty list
result = { "succeded": [], "failed": []}
# append test values to empty list
result["succeded"].append("success-uuid") #from future.result() - success
result["failed"].append("failed-uuid") #from future.result() - failure
result["succeded"].append("868716387") #from future.result() - success
result["failed"].append("97234692369") #from future.result() - failure
{'succeded': ['success-uuid', '868716387'], 'failed': ['failed-uuid', '97234692369']}