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How I can get the download URL of the latest version of Cura from it's website with powersell?

I want to find download URL for the latest version of Cura right now it is ( and I have written (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").innerHTML -match "(https*.exe)" I tried it with .innerHTML or usebasicparsing or Invoke-Restmethod and I could not find it, can someone help me to find it? thanks in advance


  • I would suggest you to use the release API from GitHub to find out the latest release of the software.

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ""
    $windowsRelease = $response.assets | Where-Object { $ -match "win64" }

    Please note that I am applying a Where-Object here to filter out only win64, because a release can contain binary for different platforms.

    Then you can use browser_download_url property to get the download url which you can use it along side with Invoke-WebRequest to download it

    # download the file
    Invoke-WebRequest $windowsRelease.browser_download_url -OutFile "CuraLatest.exe"