I've a django application with waitress (gunicorn doesn't work on windows) to serve it. Because its production code and its based on windows 2012 server. But I want the django application to run in daemon mode is it possible?
Daemon mode - app running without command prompt opening/visible also it'll be helpful to open the shell without closing the server. AutoStart if for some reason system has to restart.
Limitations: The project cannot be moved to UNIX based system. Third-Party applications like any .exe file cannot be used. You cannot use Docker as it consumes a lot of space.
For production:
create a file server.py at same level as manage.py and add following:
from waitress import serve
from myapp.wsgi import application
if __name__ == '__main__':
serve(application, port='8000')
Start-Process python -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "server.py"
You can close the terminal after that and it still runs.
If you later want to stop, you have to do with Get-Process and then
Running with CMD:
START "myapp" /B python server.py
Running in cmd