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How to use code from optional subspec in core subspec

Does anyone know of a way to use code from an optional subspec in the core subspec of a pod?


  • optional subspec contains the protocol: SometimesAvailableProtocol
  • in the core I want to define a variable of that type if it exists, something like:
#if canImport(SometimesAvailableProtocol)
    var sometimesAvailableVar: SometimesAvailableProtocol

However, unfortunately canImport only works with modules and we have noticed that if you use something like canImport(MyPod.SometimesAvailableProtocol) it works or fails randomly.


  • For future reference, you can use:

    optional_subspec.ios.pod_target_xcconfig = { "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS" => "$(inherited) -D MY_SUBSPEC" }
    optional_subspec.tvos.pod_target_xcconfig = { "OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS" => "$(inherited) -D MY_SUBSPEC" }

    and then in the core just do #if MY_SUBSPEC